Can we talk a minute about how much I love coconut oil!?! You know in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding when the dad tells everyone to “Put some Windex on it,” to cure their ailments? Well that is how I am with coconut oil. Whenever someone asks me for a natural cure to something, it almost always contains coconut oil. This stuff is amazing! The Lauric Acid in coconut oil can kill viruses, bacteria and fungus! Coconut oil has been known to help slow or reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s. It can even improve cholesterol and may help you to lose weight. This is one bandwagon you really need to jump onto! Here are some of my favorite ways to use it:
- Hair Mask: Put coconut oil on your hair, let sit for an hour and shower as usual, used regularly it makes your hair healthier, grow faster and thicker.
- Dandruff Cure: Mix coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil and rub into scalp, let sit for 30 minutes to one hour. Shampoo as usual. Repeat with each wash until dandruff is eliminated
- Frizz Fighter: Apply to ends of hair to keep frizz at bay
- Shine booster: use tiniest amount on hair to make hair soft and glossy
- Makeup Remover
- Skin Moisturizer
- Shaving Cream
- Acne Fighter
- Lip Balm
- Deodorant: Mix coconut oil, baking soda (no aluminum!), and tea tree or lavender oil and apply when needed
- Toothpaste: Mix coconut oil, baking soda, peppermint oil and stevia
- Under Eye Cream: use at night to relieve puffiness and dark circles
- Eye Lash Thickener: Apply to eyelashes nightly for long and luscious lashes
- Sugar Scrub: Mix with equal amounts of sugar, add essential oils if desired
- Nail and Cuticle Cream
- Natural sunscreen (SPF 4-7)
- Oil pulling: Place one teaspoon of coconut oil in mouth, swish around gently for 20 minutes and spit out for better oral hygiene
- Sexual lubricant (do not use this with condoms, oil will break down the latex)
- Helps heal bug bites, rashes or other skin ailments
- Eczema and Psoriasis Soother
- Bruise Healer: Rub on bruises to help them heal quicker
- Diaper Rash Ointment
- Use topically on wounds such as burns or scrapes
- Candida, Staph, bacterial infection killer: start slow taking ¼ tsp per day and work up to 1-2 tsp daily until infection is eradicated
- Use in recipes instead of vegetable oils
- Use in smoothies to create an instant energy boost
- Use to cook eggs instead of butter
- Use to pop your popcorn instead of oil
What are your experiences with coconut oil? How do you use it?
I totally agree, coconut oil solves everything! Great post! I learned lots of new ways to use it
Thanks Ashley, glad you liked it!
Coconut oil is a favorite in my household as well. It’s pretty amazing stuff! Sometimes I just eat a spoonful because it helps clear my skin up and add moisture. Great post!
Yum. I also just eat it by the spoonful. Or I mix it with cocoa powder and sweeter, put it in the freezer to harden and you’ve got yourself a delicious treat!
Coconut oil is possible the most brilliant thing I’ve found in nature! Its fantastic!
Thanks for stopping by. I honestly don’t know what I did before I knew about it!
Reading your blog I feel like we should hang out and go for tea and chat!! I love coconut oil and use it for many of the uses you list and plan to for others found here. Great post!!
You’re too sweet. If you’re ever near Chicago, I’m always up for a nice cup of tea and good conversation!